Group Senior Assisted Housing

The Group Senior Assisted Housing Program provides a subsidy to individuals age 62 or above who meet certain income, function and asset guidelines to live successfully in homes that are accepted under the auspices of the Maryland Department of Aging. Often, the subsidy will act as temporary financial assistance until the client becomes eligible for the Older Adult Waiver (Medicaid Waiver) Program.

Assisted Living Research Institute is an industry-leading research organization dedicated to enhancing the lives of older adults by compiling comprehensive research, the latest studies, and real-world insight from experts, caregivers, and seniors into easy-to-understand, actionable guides, and resources.”

You can learn more about it here:

For questions or concerns:
Area Agency on Aging Director
125 Virginia Avenue
Cumberland, MD 21502
(301)722-0937 Fax

For further information on this program and others available for the elderly, contact Maryland Department of Aging at 1 (800) AGE-DIAL.